Monday, June 8, 2009

On A Feminist Kick, Clearly

So I'm watching "Live Free or Die Hard" at the moment, and I have a question for all two of you that read this. Are there ANY female villains out there that aren't the mastermind's girlfriend or after something completely stereotypical, like a man or fur coats made of Dalmatian puppies?

I like Maggie Q (who plays Mai, the main evil chick). I'm all for girls that kick some butt, even the evil ones, but why do these mentally unbalanced women need mentally unbalanced men to lead them through plans of chaos and destruction? Why are they all sidekicks that simply have the added benefit that the villain is probably not going to turn on his love monkey?

I want a female Hans Gruber. I want a villainess who is evil for little more than greed and power. A mastermind that works alone.

Extra points if she doesn't use her sexuality as a weapon!

(I have to say, I adore Kevin Smith in this. I always adore him though.)