Monday, June 8, 2009

On A Feminist Kick, Clearly

So I'm watching "Live Free or Die Hard" at the moment, and I have a question for all two of you that read this. Are there ANY female villains out there that aren't the mastermind's girlfriend or after something completely stereotypical, like a man or fur coats made of Dalmatian puppies?

I like Maggie Q (who plays Mai, the main evil chick). I'm all for girls that kick some butt, even the evil ones, but why do these mentally unbalanced women need mentally unbalanced men to lead them through plans of chaos and destruction? Why are they all sidekicks that simply have the added benefit that the villain is probably not going to turn on his love monkey?

I want a female Hans Gruber. I want a villainess who is evil for little more than greed and power. A mastermind that works alone.

Extra points if she doesn't use her sexuality as a weapon!

(I have to say, I adore Kevin Smith in this. I always adore him though.)


Unknown said...

Does Glorificus count, even though she was stuck sharing a body with stupid Ben?

Yee said...

Sort of, I guess. I was looking for more of women in films. Everyone knows Joss makes his women strong without needing to flaunt their sexuality. :)

Unknown said...

.... okay, yeah, I've got nothing.

Let's create one, shall we?

Yee said...

:) Fun thought.

Jeremy Masten said...

My first two thoughts were (1) Miss Burke from The Faculty and (2) the eponymous villain in Alien, Aliens, Alien III, and all the other sequels. Then you had your thing about not using sexuality, so I guess Miss Burke is out.

What about Charlize Theron in Monster? She was a prostitute, but she didn't use those skills to be evil.

Yee said...

Close, but I'm looking for fictional women. Of course, women are just as depraved as men in real life. Bonnie of Bonnie & Clyde was pretty evil for no apparent reason (although again, for the sake of a man...). But I want a female character dreamed up by writers that is amoral as Hans Gruber or the Joker.

I just want them to think outside the box a bit with female villains.

Jeremy Masten said...

I got it. I've been thinking about this for awhile. Snoop from The Wire. Every episode she freaks me out (and fascinates me) more.