Thursday, September 24, 2009


Things I am amusing myself with until I get my bar results and start applying for the myriad of jobs that require state licensing (and are the ones I want the most, so that works out):

1. Staining, stenciling and finishing my dresser.

2. Staring at the mountains of stuff from my younger years that my mother has made me move out of her house. Wondering what I'm going to do with all of it and where it will go.

3. Getting into better shape, before I get a job (thinking optimistically!) and I become a couch potato again.

4. Facebook stalking.

5. Reading all those books I bought over the past 3 years and then never read, because I had to study or (more often) use my free time to sleep.

6. Crossword puzzles.

7. Talking to friends about things other than law school, which is refreshing for all parties.

8. Reminding everyone that bar results aren't due until November, and no, the wait doesn't mean I failed.

9. Dealing with the new house's heating and cooling systems, both of which have decided they hate me.

10. Getting up to let the dog in and out of the backyard every 5 minutes. (Soon to be #11 on the list - putting in a doggie door!)


Jeremy Masten said...

I too have fallen into the habit of trying the Baltimore Sun's crossword every day . . .

Unknown said...

I love that Facebook stalking is a "project."

Yee said...

Jeremy -

Having no job helps enormously in letting me do up to 3 crosswords a day. :)

Julie -

Since when is Facebook stalking *not* a project???

Unknown said...

Oh, I dunno, I would consider it to be more of a habit. I mean. Uhm. Never mind.