Friday, April 18, 2008

Telf... Gennis... Tenif?

Every evening, Charlie and I go for a walk on the undergrad campus, with Jon if he's not working/in class. I've missed a couple nights this week because I've been sick, so I had been missing the cool, breezy spring weather until today. And guess what I found upon my return? The golf-tennis boys are back on the undergrad campus with their little liabilities flying through the air.

I don't know what athletic genius came up with this, but I can't avoid these fools. They walk around the campus with their golf clubs and hit the tennis balls to... I don't know where. The little I know about golf seems to indicate that there has to be a hole in the ground somewhere, but I highly doubt Baylor's administration is letting these pests with their flipped up collars dig holes into their lawns. But they do seem to adhere to the rule of playing where the ball lies. It can be in a flower bed, on the street, on a sidewalk or in the midst of the quad and they're there, waiting all of 2 seconds before I pass by before smacking the tennis ball into the trees behind me. Happy Bunny, as usual, sums up what I want to tell these boys to do with their tennis balls as I duck:

Look, I know the basic laws of physics - a golf ball will fly farther and harder and hit more forcefully than a tennis ball. But that doesn't mean I appreciate playing the part of William Tell's extremely hesitant kid. They clearly have golf clubs. Judging from their designer clothes, they have the spare cash to go to an actual golf course. I've come to one conclusion about why they insist upon playing where numerous people are in their way - they're lazy jerks.

... And I'm officially old and cranky. *sigh*


Mark Osler said...

Sorry, man. That was me and Bates. We can't bring ourselves to play real golf.

Yee said...


Well then that's fine - but you might want to rethink the plaid shorts and pink polos. Need you assault my eyes too?

Mark Osler said...

Bates said we had to wear that stuff. You know how he is about fashion.

Jon Swanburg said...

You are talking about the age old sport of campus golf.

There are 18 set holes and the one time I played, I was waved through by a member of the faculty so I assume it is condoned or at least tolerated by Baylor.