Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Skewed Priorities

The apartment complex caught fire today. Not my section, but a neighboring one. Apparently, even kitchen fires (I assume it was something minor like that, as firefighters were quickly switching out of 'oh noes!!!1!!' mode) require the entire Waco Fire Department to show up. No less than FOUR firetrucks showed up, plus the fire chief's SUV. I mean, I know it's not always indicative of the severity of the fire, but I didn't see smoke. I also saw the trucks pulling away 5 minutes later. The girls whose apartment it was were running around like Armageddon had decided to pay a personal visit though.

The thing is - I wasn't that interested. I was running late for class. The most pressing thing on my mind was how likely it would be that my professor accepted the excuse of "my apartment complex caught on fire and the firetrucks were blocking the only exit gate". And then I could only thank God that those girls decided to light their place on fire *after* PC, not before...


Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of you right now, I think I could cry.

A girl in my dorm during undergrad caught her own hair on fire with her curling iron during finals week once. The smoke of her hair burning around her head set off the fire alarm and we had a mandatory evacuation in the middle of the night, the night before an 8 AM final for me. The girl burned a chunk of her hair almost down to her head, and I had to be restrained by my friends from going up and screaming a whole lot of unfriendly things at her for 1) being so stupid 2) doing it during finals 3) in the middle of the night.

I am still not as ashamed of that as I should be.

Yee said...

Who curls their hair in the middle of the night? More importantly, who curls their hair in the middle of the night who is also really bad at it? Methinks alcohol was a factor here... Bet she doesn't tell that one to her kids (if Darwin doesn't take her out before then).

Anonymous said...

Sadly, when I almost tore her throat out--I mean talked to her--she was stone sober. It was almost be easier to forgive if there had been copious amounts of alcohol involved, the kind of alcohol that leads to "Hey y'all, watch this!" moments. But no, she was sober, which means that she is just. That. Stupid.

And got into college.

And presumably is capable of reproducing.