Friday, April 10, 2009

Just To Share The Ridiculousness

I've been a bit absent lately, I know. I wish I could say something exciting happened in the last few weeks, and I was extremely busy with that, but frankly, the only difference about me is that I now have my very first speeding ticket. Woo...

Yeah, so as I'm smarting from the concept that wiping the ticket off my record will cost roughly FOUR TIMES the amount of just paying the fine, I come across proof that others have learned nothing from the error of their ways. I know that's a vague phrase in these times, but I'm talking about that monolith of backwards thinking - the record label companies.

YES! What an awesome idea! Make a site with a dumb name that is exactly like YouTube, only put more advertising in it and make sure no one can share the videos! That *does* sound like a winning business model. And perfectly in sync with what today's computer-savvy consumer wants.

I don't know what the perfect model IS. But I can say that the one the record companies are clinging to is *failing*. I'm not smart enough to solve their problem, but there are people out there that are. Perhaps it's time to abandon the sinking ship and listen to the people they've been suing the pants off of, eh?


Anonymous said...

What city is it in? I'm municipal prosecutor for a couple of the little cities around here, I might see you at pretrial.

Yee said...

Italy. It was when I was driving home to Dallas. I'm not fighting it - I was speeding, but the defensive driving/deferred adjudication option is prohibitively expensive. I just don't want it to stay on my record... *sigh*

Anonymous said...

Italy is so definitely not one of mine, and I am so glad--wouldn't want to have to make that drive all the time. Ugh. Sorry. :-(