Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Just An Unfun Update

This post was originally long, discussing possible employment prospects and suchlike. I depressed myself writing it. I'll leave you with a brief summary of what I've been up to lately. NYC pictures aren't available yet, since I can't find the cable to hook the camera to the computer. Maybe that post will be more cheerful...

The last couple of months have been full of moving, studying for the bar, taking the bar, and a rather odd, semi-impromptu trip to New York City. The good news is that Charlie loves his new back yard, I think the bar went alright, and I still can find my way around NYC, if my blood sugar hasn't bottomed out and I'm not in Times Square. The bad news is that Jon and I are in Dallas, completely bereft of jobs and, as the school year approaches ever faster, without any prospects for Jon. He's working at Best Buy again, and I'm trying to find anything that will pay me. I really, really don't want the last three years to have been a waste of my time and money.


Anonymous said...

Hey Sarah,

Came across your post as I was salvaging some memories before they're inevitabley deleted (my old computer is fried so I lost everything). My heart goes out to you and Jon; I know how fustrating it is to look for a job when they're so scarce these days, but please don't be discouraged: your last three years were not a waste, and both you and Jon will be just fine. Believe it. Just remember who God is and realize He'll do what's best for you guys as long as you continue to acknowledge Him (and even sometimes when you don't). I know it sounds simple and cliche, but that doesn't make it untrue. Be patient, stay prayerful, and continue to encourage each other as I trust that you have been. And most of all, DON'T WORRY, Yee of little faith :) It doesn't add a day to your life.

If my comments are unwelcomed, then I sincerely apologize. I just want you and Jon to be encouraged. Take care.

Yee said...

Anon. -

Thank you for your encouragement. I do have more faith than my blog name implies. :) It *is* frustrating, but I hope more cheerful things (and blog entries) are in the future.

(Sorry about your computer! That's a major hassle.)