Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Ground Cloves

Marriage law: You can rightfully distrust your husband to successfully obtain ground cloves based upon previous failures to get simple items like "English muffins", but you cannot tell him so. For some reason, he'll be offended.

Law school note: By the end of the day, you would rather just switch seats with your neighbor between Contracts and Crim Law than face the alternative - staying after class to ask the professor to please change the seating chart because you don't like having to get your lazy ass out of the chair unless you absolutely have to.

Pre-Thanksgiving annoyance: Invariably, the moment you force yourself to go to the grocery store to find those ground cloves is the moment that they've run out. Of every kind. Even the expensive stuff, that you were willing to pay $10 for. Then you go to the HEB next to the school and realize that you must do your spice shopping there and munchies shopping at the first HEB. Supply and demand, baby.

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