Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Prof Contracts played professional foosball for 3 years in the '70s? I think my brain just broke. Although if there was one professor that I would have to choose as a former professional foosball player, it would be Prof Contracts. Talk about a niche market though.

I wonder what my strange-yet-profitable skill would be?


Mark Osler said...

It's true. Bates creamed me at foosball once in Sioux City S.D. (that's a long story...)-- he has this trademark move where his guy is trapping the ball, then there is a loud banging noise, then the ball is in your net.

TJ said...

i would have pegged Prof. Crim Law for the fooz-balla. Prof. Kontracts is more of a protest the establishment of professional sports kinda guy.