Monday, May 7, 2007

First Day of My Summer Job(s)

Instead of telling you exactly what happened today, I'm going to post my thoughts as I moved through the day. In the morning, I was at the Frank Crowley Court in Dallas for my internship with Judge King. In the afternoon, I was at the Federal Public Defender's Office.

7:00 am: "I woke up 2 hours before I'm supposed to be downtown. I'm going to be late."

8:45 am: "Yeah... definitely late. And damn it, I hate Industrial Boulevard. What is he DOING? God, that's creepy."

9:20 am: "I have no idea where I'm supposed to be. This is supposed to be a judicial internship, so where's the judge? Why is no one in the DA's workroom?"

9:25 am: "There are too many damn people in here!"

10:00 am: "I'm shocked anything ever gets done in this system. Where is that file? Why are the only ones I'm looking for the only ones that are missing? Is this really how plea agreements are done? This is absolute chaos."

11:00 am: "She is way too excited about having an intern. And why didn't she know I was coming in the first place? Am I even in the right place?"

11:50 am: "Really people, am I in the right place? Is there a judge wondering where her new intern is?"

12:05 pm: "Well, at least I have plenty of time to make it 2 blocks to my next job."


1:10 pm: "Well, at least my new boss is nice enough to lend me $3.50 for parking only minutes after meeting me because I only had $1.50 in cash."

2:30 pm: "Fingerprinting. Going on the list of messiest activities possible."

3:00 pm: "Fourth computer and it still doesn't work. Ah, government funding. At least it isn't DOS like the court house."

4:00 pm: "Awesome. Fraud and bribery. Oh! And public nudity!"

5:00 pm: "No brain work."

So it wasn't the best of first days. But I've had worse first days too. All in all, I think that the court internship will be a lot of busy work, but the sort of busy work that actually helps the DAs, which is nice. And I'm going to be helping the public defender's office do research and draft motions and suchlike, so that'll be nice too. Everyone was nice (even though none of the DAs in the morning knew who I was - I also got approached by several defense lawyers to sign off on plea agreements). It was exhausting, but by the end of the week, I'll be used to working again. How quickly I lose tolerance for 8 hour days!

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