Tuesday, May 1, 2007

For Music Geeks

My friend - a cellist - sent me this. As a violinist, I laugh at cellists' plight with Pachelbel. What can I say? I'm a mean person, even in the classical music world. Anyway, it's a clever bit and amusing, even for those that can't sing Pachelbel in their sleep.


Anonymous said...

That's too funny. I actually shared that video with Alico Guy the other day.

It is a little mean to make fun of the cellists. Aren't you supposed to be making fun of the viola players? :)

ALV said...

LOVE it. When are we having spunky, girl-power adventures-slash-road trips this summer? It looks like I'll be in Dallas the entire time, minus a small trip or two... I'm 95% sure. I like quantifying the unquantifiable.