Saturday, June 16, 2007

Name Contest!

Okay, not so much a contest because there are no awards but I will give kudos to anyone that comes up with a good name for my new puppy! Jon and I had a list of names already, but none of them seem to fit this little guy and since he was a stray, the Waco Humane Society didn't have one for him either. Suggest away!


Mark Osler said...

Goober. Or Sport.

Jeremy Masten said...

In The Firm, Tom Cruise's dog was named "Hearsay." So maybe you could give him a cool law-related name, like "res ipsa loquitur" or "intentional infliction of emotional distress."

Yee said...

I can just imagine calling after my dog, "Come here, Star Pagination!".... So, no. :D Try again!

And Prof., how can such a cute little dog be called Goober?

Anonymous said...

wallace or grommit, preferably wallace

Anonymous said...

Buddy. Definitely a Buddy.

but if you insist on something quasi-intellectual/spiritual, he also looks like an Erastus.

Yee said...

We've decided to call him Charlie. Jon just likes the name while I prefer to think of it that we named him after Humphrey Bogart's only Oscar winning role in my favorite movie, The African Queen. :)

Thanks for all the suggestions!