Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Mostly Babble

So I've been agonizing about what my first post of the new school year should be. I thought about writing about everything from the fact that the lack of Prof CivPro has made this year's 1Ls entirely too comfortable to the 'finally!' moment of Britney Spears getting investigated by CPS (again). In the end, I decided that I wasn't actually that picky, just uninspired to write anything. Now that it's the 2nd week of school, I just look lazy. So be it. Now your expectations are lowered to an acceptable level.

I really only have one bit of news anyway - that my husband has got a new job at Best Buy with the Geek Squad. (So fitting, that name.) This might not be entirely impressive to you, except for the fact that he's been delivering pizzas for the last 10 months, while his Computer Science degree hangs above my desk in all of its useless glory. In Waco, you see, computer people like Jon have 2 options - complete mediocrity, usually in a job that has nothing to do with their expertise (see: delivering pizzas) or they can pull out their PhD in astrophysics and go work at the aerospace engineering firm just outside of Waco. And Jon doesn't have a secret PhD in astrophysics. Unless he's hiding something, in which case I think a secret degree is probably the least of my worries. So in all, Jon is pleased with his job, which doesn't quite fit either of these usual 2 options.

But that's not my point. The point is that while applying to Best Buy online, Jon came across this question in the personality test, which I can only assume was created by a psychology major, because those are my people and I know their work:

"You get angry when the court system lets guilty people go free. Do you: Strongly Agree? Agree? Disagree? Strongly Disagree?"

There are so many problems with this question that my brain literally screeched to a halt for several minutes. The fact that it chafes against my growing bias towards the defense is the least of them. But I had to wonder - is this how people see the court system? My own childhood was full of detective and cop shows - I knew "innocent until proven guilty" before my ABCs and I'm not kidding. (My parents never thought I really comprehended what was going on in those mystery shows they watched every Tuesday night, but truthfully, this is probably where I formed my complete non-surprise at the perversions of human nature. Also, I was allowed to watch Purple Rain at age 4.)

But it was surprising, especially knowing that this questionnaire was probably edited a thousand times by a dozen people, who are presumably people with college degrees and 2 brain cells to rub together. I would have expected better. Or perhaps BLS has already warped me and I should have expected nothing.


Jeremy Masten said...

Congratulations to B.P.

So is there now an opening at his former place of employment for a burned out law student?

Anonymous said...

Hurrah for Vanya! Hopefully I return to having internet access and will be able to chat with you at some point in the near future. Until then, hope school goes well, don't die, and congrats to Jon!

VintageGeek said...

I haven't gotten to the part in my studies where that question begins causing total brain collapse, but I am only just studying to become a paralegal. Maybe it's privileged information. :)

Gratz to Jon.
