Monday, October 1, 2007

This is Going to be a Long(horn) Week

Red River Shootout is this weekend. (I refuse to call it the pansy name they're trying to change it to that doesn't involve violence. I don't even know what the new name is, come to think of it. Red River Square Dance? Red River Shake-Hands-And-Pretend-We-Never-Historically-Shot-At-Each-Other?) Anyway, all the cool kids are going to watch. More importantly, all the cool kids are going to be rooting for UT.

Yeah, yeah. I'm engaging in some unapologetic favoritism. It's allowed every once in awhile. Go get your own blog if you disagree.

I have to admit I haven't been following the season very closely. I'm actually trying to be a decent student this quarter and devoting half of my life and money to UT is something I did for several years already, only back then it was my father's money. However, there's one thing we can all agree upon - when it comes to old rivals, even the least spirited feel their loyalties rise anew.

But please. One word of wisdom. Don't be a sore winner. Sore losers are annoying (I know, because I am one) but they have an excuse. Rubbing a win into someone else's face, however, is tacky and speaks only to your ill-breeding.

And for the sore losers - keep a lid on it. Appreciate good plays, whether or not they're made by your team. Realize that you're bringing down everyone by your crappy attitude. But you're allowed to walk away if a sore winner gets in your face - because we really want to avoid physical violence, don't we?

Let's hope I can follow my own rules. And until the game, feel free to root for whoever you wish. I'll only secretly hate you, as you're allowed to secretly hate me for my allegiances. :)


Anonymous said...

Blarg, I hate tx/ou weekend - it just makes it suck for me to go home. Traffic sucks, every single bar/restaurant is crowded, and my beloved state fair is full of weirdos. Stay out of my town!!

(I really wanna go home this weekend so I can spend a few hours at the state fair before I go insane from all of the outlining and crap. sigh.)

Yee said...

TX/OU makes the fair insane - I waited 45 minutes for corn dog last year. I'm not going again this year.

I agree about the traffic and the weirdos and the crowding, but this year I'm going to be part of the crowding in the bar at least. :)

Anonymous said...

What's with the devil under the satanic red tower? So let me ask you... after you sacrifice a goat and rip its heart out with your bare hands, do you then summon hellfire? Or do you just order pizza? ;-P


Yee said...

That's Victory I think... The horses aren't really horses... they're those half-horse, half-fish things. I think they're called tritons?

But we do sacrifice goats. I mean, hello, it's UT. We're cool with that.

... Really we just have a big gathering at the base of the tower and Bevo is there looking bored. *shrugs*