Friday, March 21, 2008

All the World's a Stage Unfortunately

Last time I mentioned the China-Tibet tensions, I was indecisive - we were giving an award to the Dalai Lama when we desperately need the friendship of China.

But all bets are off. Tiananmen Square apparently meant nothing to the Chinese government - I'm not sure how you can laugh off worldwide condemnation that even I remember, though I was only 5, but apparently they want to try. It's an anti-jihad, really, if you think about it - the Chinese are persistent in stamping out religious freedom. And nothing says "shady" like barring the media from entering the country that you're trying to "stabilize".

It's a shame really - 50 years ago Jon's family (both sides) fled from China because the Communists were quite literally destroying their lives and livelihoods. I won't repeat family history but the things that the government did were so barbaric that the Mongols were the cute, floppy-eared bunny predecessors. And apparently, it hasn't changed in the least. But the rest of the world has and now we can watch every instance of violence in horror and shame that humans are capable of such things.

China's world debut at the Beijing Games this year could have been a monument to change and progress. It's sad that once again, China's image will be marred by Tibet and its failure of diplomacy and peace, when one side wants it so desperately.

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