Monday, March 24, 2008

WTF mate?

I think the current 3Qs are suffering from a lack of terror in their lives. Prof Civ Pro was sick and didn't scare them to the point of frozen horror in their first quarter. Then Prof LARC left and I hear they get to go through LARC pass/fail. The gravy train doesn't go on forever, people.

My point is, this might explain one of the conclusions my moot court partner found while paging through the 1L briefs - it said simply, "Ice cream."


Jeremy Masten said...

I just have this to say about that. The round I judged today was . . . ice cream. They tried hard, and it was kinda cute.

Yee said...

Hmm well, cute or not, you have to admit that someone's head would roll for such a stunt in a brief last year. Imagine Prof LARC's reaction! I'm not sure if she'd turn purple or red first... O.o

Fille de la Cour said...

I don't really think Old (Former) Prof. LARC would have had a fit; she would have savored that "F" though. :)

Anonymous said...

The "Ice Cream" has significance. Though I do think the 3Q's have been babied, there is a perfectly legitimate reason that was written in there. You will probably find it in more than one brief.

Anonymous said...

This group of LARC students does seem to be the most underprepared group that I have ever seen. I guess it is up to the barristers to beat the fear of law school into them.