It's been a week since returning to the States, and I've been all kinds of thankful to get back to what I've missed - hamburgers that taste like real beef, milkshakes with real ice cream, pedicures... and sure, my family. Of course, it also means I've gotten back to all the things I haven't missed, like political mud-slinging and car troubles.
After a week of indulging in all that I missed though, all I have left is this horrific death march towards PC. I feel like someone should be briefing me on my mission and giving me a cyanide tablet, "just in case". Lacour gave me the next best thing - a little bag of school supplies, complete with a packet of Kleenex. Cue the dread.
Okay, okay. It's not going to be two weeks of me huddled in a corner, rocking back and forth, hugging my knees and muttering to myself. I have gotten out - I finally saw "The Dark Knight". I can legitimately saw Heath Ledger is owed a posthumous Oscar. And Maggie Gyllenhaal didn't annoy me as much as I thought she would. And yesterday, I saw "Wall-E", which I'm pretty sure is going to nab Best Animated Feature because geez, I'm still melting from the cuteness there. Hello, they took essentially mute robots and made it both endearing and interesting. Although I have to say that the huge drawback of kids' movies are... you know, the kids in the theater. What does it take, parents? How many glares can you sit through before you tell your 8 and 10 year old children to shut up? Apparently, a lot. *pulls out hair*
Anyway, the point is that we're gearing up for a difficult year here and trying to enjoy the last few days of freedom. Jon just returned from his first day of workshops with WISD and has informed me of the pathetic state of Waco High in its TAKS performance - worse than we thought, although not as bad as it could be, I *guess*. He'll be teaching 11th grade math - i.e. exit level TAKS.
He'll be fine. I'll be fine. We'll be fine. Right?
... We're thinking about starting a pool on who cracks first.