Thursday, August 28, 2008

Another's First Week

I thought I'd mention that Jon is doing increasingly better with his first days of teaching. The first day was chaos (not just his classes - the entire school, because of various administrative mess-ups). The second day had several students still stuck in summer mode. Yesterday was infinitely better and he came home with an actual smile - the first I'd seen since Sunday. He has students that actually want to learn and that seem to understand what he has started to teach to them. I'm particularly proud of him for helping out a student of his that came to the US 2 weeks ago and doesn't know English - the ESL teacher didn't even know she existed until Jon brought it to her attention and now the girl is going to get help learning the language.

But he did inform me of the latest fad to hit high school fashion (as much as "fashion" can be applied to such a place) - leaving the tags on your clothes so that people will know how much you've spent on them. (Also for the sake of possibly returning them after wearing - something that greatly offends the former retail sales worker in me.)

I think this might beat out clear heels for tackiest fad ever.

(They light up! Even better!)


Anonymous said...

Clear heels that light up are for strippers. Not kidding. All of the strippers that shopped at Highland Mall wore them.

Yee said...

:) Oh, I know. When I did a search for "clear heels", many of the images that came up were from sites like But I've still seen "normal" people wear them. And I think I recall a friend of mine seeing them at a wedding... on the bridesmaids (not as tall a heel though).