My mom called last night and asked what I was up to these days. I said that at the moment, I was reading. "It's Saturday night!" she replied. Oh, yes, I know.
You know, I'm finding that I don't really
mind the constant reading. Well, I do, but it's not like I can say that it's surprising in any way. What I do mind is the other side of the coin - having no time to do anything else whatsoever. I have to plan grocery store trips days in advance and when I go to Office Depot for more highlighters, my heart gets all fluttery because I'm not at home studying. Blech on that, I say. Blech.
Riiiight. Okay, I'm going to try not to whine for a few minutes here... Ummm... Oh! I know! Here's some pathetic news - Jon has already outlasted 2 other new teachers. They were science teachers in front of roughly 40 students per period (as opposed to Jon's 25, or 30 in one class), but good grief. Two down already. This news came on the same day that Jon had to call security because a fist fight broke out in his classroom, so perhaps this shouldn't be surprising. Isn't 17 years old a little too old for making fun of the dorky guy in the class? I guess not...
It all makes us feel a bit old. We were in Pre-AP classes in high school, and that's a whole different animal from regulars classes, but it still seems that kids are expecting less and less responsibility these days.* Jon's kids were actually complaining that he gave them homework
every night. As a general rule, we're not talking about kids involved in a lot of after-school activities here. I'm not sure what they want the extra free time for... I'm not sure I want to know.
*I know, that statement alone makes me sound old. I'm having a flashback to that scene in "The Breakfast Club" where the janitor is telling the principal that "Kids haven't changed. You have!"