Monday, September 15, 2008

Witness Needed

Hey all you non-PC people, it's that time of year again. I am sadly lacking 1Ls and 2Ls that I know who are willing to surrender an afternoon or so in order to get a glimpse of what PC is really like. Oh, you know you're curious.

So here's the deal. For now, I need a witness for big direct/cross for Thursday, September 25. I'm going last (supposedly from 3:40 to 5:00) - I'm uncertain if you have to be there, as I do, from 1:00. Probably not?

Anyway, I'm willing to buy you lunch or bring snacks or whatever while we go over your deposition. Anything else that you want is negotiable. If you have to stay the entire time, I'm obviously more amenable to bigger rewards.

Or you could just do it out of the kindness of your heart. Ha.

EDIT: If you don't want to leave a comment and volunteer, you can email me - my first name is Sarah and I hope you know my last name by now. And just to clarify, when I said "negotiable", that means that yes, I am willing to pay you.

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