Wednesday, February 11, 2009

He Has a Son Named "Root"

A Sussex Spaniel won Westminster last night - his name is Stump and, at 10, he's the oldest winner of Westminster by almost 2 years. (The next oldest winner was in 1999, a Papillion and the first show where I established my habit of watching every year.)

I didn't see it last night though, because of the dratted storm - we lost power about 10 times in 20 minutes and then the cable didn't come back until long after midnight. It made me a sad bear to miss it.

Thank goodness for reruns - I saw the Best in Show judging in my break between classes this morning. That funny little Stump is rather endearing. Congrats, Stump! :D

(I apologize for the picture with more people than puppies, but this was the only one I could find that didn't have a lot of feet in it...)


Jeremy Masten said...

I think maybe the Root joke was a little stretchy thin, but I'll let it slide. It's hard to pull jokes out of dog shows.

As for the storm, Shipp had to come over and test his Wii to make it sure it didn't get burned up by the storm.

Yee said...


For once, I wasn't actually joking! He actually has a son named Root, as well as another named Forest. :P I'm pretty sure they all live together too. So they didn't fall far from the tree. (Hehe.)

Also, surge protectors are fabulous.