Sunday, January 14, 2007

Firefox Rox My Sox... sort of...

I love Safari, but apparently everything else online hates it. This has forced me to download Firefox, which Jon talks about as if it's the net's personal Christ. It works better with non-Mac-loving sites, but my photos on blogger still turn up in code. So this could be a mass of indecipherable writing or it could be prompt you to think "and why is she in law school?"

Why, indeed. Um, probably because I really detest the hard sciences like biology, which would kind of interfere with becoming a veterinarian or anything of the kind. (Not entirely my fault - I have a long harangue about a certain 9th grade biology teacher who was not only a jerk but constantly taught us the wrong thing. When I pointed out that he was wrong, he could get quite irritated.) All that aside, aren't they just adorable? I found this during the file transfers. It's a couple years old, but I still miss those monkeys.

There's a sentence you don't hear every day.

Here ends the test to see if Firefox works with blogger.


ALV said...

OH MY GOD. Where are MY monkeys???? I need them desperately, for I love them with the passion of a thousand suns. Please bring me one or more ASAP.

Yee said...

They're pretty freaking adorable, aren't they? The one on my head was bored of looking for lice and not finding any (something I was actually pleased about). And the little girl in my arms was just a big snuggler. She was in my arms about 90% of the time that I was there. Of course, I got there just after they got used to people after being saved from the black market and had stopped throwing feces. Good timing. Good timing.

Anonymous said...

For the record, I have Safari and I LOVE Safari, so I back you!

And the monkeys are cute, but not as cute as penguins.