Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Waco: Bastion of Geekdom

My darling husband has one habit that drives me absolutely crazy (not in the good way). It's called World of Warcraft. About 1/3 of you out there are going, "huh?", another 1/3 is going "best game ever!" and the last 1/3 is rolling their eyes. For that first group, a little description is in order. WoW is a MMORPG - a Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. They go around as trolls or little hobbits or elves or whatever and kill stuff. Yes, it's just as geeky as it sounds. Bunches of people (usually guys) gathering on a online server to pretend that they're ugly creatures carrying big swords. (I could make a Freudian joke here, but I think that's redundant.)

On Tuesday, the "expansion" comes out. Basically, more troll things to play, more land and more headaches for me. Oh. Notice that I'm writing this at 1 am. Have you guessed where I'm going with this? Oh yeah - Jon went and got the expansion at midnight from the local GameStop. I don't want to be a total jerk - I admit that I have my geeky moments too. I even play (read: used to play, before law school) video games on console, like MarioKart Double Dash. And I'll kick your butt too. But I digress. When Jon came home at 12:30, our conversation went like this:

Me: So... that's it? It's freaking huge.
Jon: It's the collector's edition.
Me: Oh my God... Are you kidding?
Jon: No. *starts to unpack the box which is literally the size of a Gutenberg Bible*
Me: What is that?
Jon: Um... a book of the artwork.
Me: And how many people were out there for this treasure trove of wonders?
Jon: About 100.
Me: 100??? You're telling me that 100 people went out at midnight on this cold as crap night and waited outside for a game? A game that they technically already have? Tell me, how many of them were girls?
Jon: Um... well, that's kind of hard to say.
Me: Clarification - how many were players and not just girlfriends rolling their eyes?
Jon: About 10... maybe less. *watches me roll my eyes* This is why I didn't make you go. I knew you wouldn't have any fun.

In compensation for me ridiculing Jon mercilessly here, I offer this - I know what Helm's Deep is. I've read the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy. Oh yes, I could have answered all of Prof CivPro's questions about it. Except for the Elvish thing. I don't know Elvish.

(Jon isn't irritated at me anymore.)

1 comment:

Thomas said...

Britt and I would destroy you at double dash.

I'm sorry to hear about your hubby.