Sunday, February 25, 2007

Homework? What?

So despite doing far less work this weekend than I should have done (hello, library for the rest of the week), I plan to watch the Oscars tonight. I have seen all of 7 of the nominated films (out of about 30), and none of those that actually matter. I've seen the ones nominated for stuff like "Best Sound Mixing". I know you're jealous. But I really don't have any interest in The Queen or Notes on a Scandal (although I do think Judi Dench is fabulous, so I might force myself to watch it one day). I think that Best Actress should go to Kate Winslet for the simple fact that this is her 5th nomination and still she has never won. And Meryl Streep, as much as I enjoyed The Devil Wears Prada, really doesn't deserve it. She has enough. But that doesn't matter because Helen Mirren will get it.

Does anyone else find the current British royal family utterly boring? Give me Elizabeth I any day.

But I'm going to watch it anyway. Ellen DeGeneres is always a delight because her high energy is of a rare breed that doesn't tire me out just by watching. I watched Jon Stewart last year and he struggled so much with the dead audience that I really felt for him. (Although when he finally got so frustrated that he went off the teleprompter, I was cheering for him.) I hope that Ellen doesn't struggle as much. We'll see.

What I really look forward to is the fashion. Sandra Bullock didn't get enough kudos for her beautiful gown last year, and Michelle Williams got way too much. (Really, canary yellow is daring, but you didn't even notice HER in that dress. I'm sure Vera Wang was okay with that, but Michelle shouldn't have been.) We'll see what ridiculous/splendid choices people make this year.

I don't think that I'll post my reactions to the winners or the fashions. Speculation is far more fun. Unless someone shows up in a dead swan dress or Marisa Tomei wins a write-in Best Actress Oscar. Then I'll have to make rude jokes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Then I'll have to make rude jokes"

