Friday, March 23, 2007

Friday Night... Dead People?

I was driving home today and thought of one of my favorite quotes, which is oh so applicable right now: "Lois, I am obligated to keep loving you, so I will take my rage out on my own body. Let's go to Denny's."

I'm not going to Denny's. But instead of talking about what I want to talk about, I'm going to be smart. Let's talk about TV. I don't watch a lot of it. When I say that my favorite show is House, that's pretty much because it's the only show I watch regularly. (The other possibility is Venture Brothers, which isn't even on reruns at the moment - if you have no idea what VB is about, get out from under your rock and watch it on DVD or YouTube. Any show that combines a license to kill, Chupacabras, cloning, necromancers and David Bowie is pretty bound to be awesome. Or crap. But this one is awesome.)

Anyway, my TV is about 14 inches wide and I'm too lazy/cheap to go out and get a new one. Even so, when I saw a commercial about a new series that starred Jeff Goldblum, I was drawn to it like (dare I say it?) a fly to... okay, I just wanted to make a "The Fly" joke. Give me a break. I'm not really paying attention to what I'm typing.

Jeff Goldblum seems to raise a lot of emotion in the "I actually remember when Jurassic Park came out in theaters and wasn't being played on TNT every night" crowd. You either love him or you hate him. I get it. Being someone who is very attracted to the tall, dark, geeky type, guess which category I fall into?

The new series is called "Raines" in which Jeff Goldblum plays a cop and it's actually very decent. Not House or Venture Brothers, but pretty darn good. Jeff mumbles as he is wont to do, but it just lends credence to the premise, which is actually clever. He sees dead people! But they're just figments of his imagination, which is the better part. And he's kind of a jerk, which apparently is just the sort of guy I like to watch but not be in the same room with.

I fully expect it to be canceled of course. Although it's not on FOX, which is the kiss of death for 99% of the shows I like, it is moving to Friday nights after a mere 2 weeks on Thursday. Probably not a good sign. But give it a chance while it's on, if for nothing more than some 90s nostalgia. Then I'm sure some horrible new CSI spin-off will take it place. Ugh.

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