Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Oy! Still Dancin' Along

Since the Prof. has practically announced me as dead, I thought I would prove my very much alive-ness. I really haven't had much to say actually, as I've been living in Brief Land (not as sexy as it sounds) and then Lazy Land (exactly as sexy as it sounds), but here I am, now in Oral Argument And Scare Me To Death Land.

Eh. I exaggerate. Not that scary, I guess. I was in mock trial in high school and theater in college. I'm used to making a fool of myself, both in front of lawyers and in front of my friends. After wrapping my legs around a strange guy and planting a big kiss on him in front of my mother and my fiance in a particularly badly written play, not much phases me.

Still, when the barrister asks me a question, I feel like I'm in that tap dance scene in "Chicago" where Richard Gere is struggling to make his case. Except I took tap 14 years ago, when I was 8. For a year. And instead of pretty, distracting girls around me, I have people hitting me with big signs saying "she don't know a thing". And apparently, I develop a Midwest accent when I'm nervous with a sinus infection.

The good news is that my heinous sickness has drained all competitive spirit out of me. You might ask why this is good news. Well, considering Valerie and Sarah are still talking to me after I went against them today, that's pretty good for me. Heh. And you think I'm kidding. Wait 'til I get over this darn cough.

1 comment:

Mark Osler said...

OK, so you are undead. I think I did give you credit for Pucketting before, too.