Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Pathetically Amusing Becomes Creepy

Keith Richards has told a British magazine that he snorted his father's ashes with some blow. Um, gross. If Keith Richards wasn't the reason to never do drugs before, this seals the deal. The best part is where he tells the reporter that his father wouldn't have minded. Keith, Keith, Keith... I'm pretty sure this proves that it didn't go "down well". If you just thought forward in this process a little, you would realize that you are literally flushing some of your father's remains down the toilet.

In addition, I think that anything that Cartman from South Park has done is generally not meant to be a shining example for others. Even if you are a rock star.


Anonymous said...

I heard that was a joke. But still. It's not funny.

Yee said...

Yeah, now he's saying that it was, but the magazine reporter claims that it wasn't. Ha. My theory? He was high when he said it.