Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Less Exciting

So I've been having a more relaxing week so far. Sunday, ALV and I traveled up and down Oxford Street, which was both fun and frustrating. "If you want to look in the store, go INSIDE the store!" as ALV pointed out. Window shopping is not very fruitful when you have thousands of people irritated at you for walking at a snail's pace.

Monday night we went to Avenue Q at Noel Coward Theatre, which was hilarious. But RAUNCHY. Puppet nudity, people! But really, I think it should be a test to see if you're too uptight - if you can't laugh at Avenue Q, you need to loosen up. I knew I'd like it from the very first song - "What Can You Do With a BA in English?" Ah yes, that is the million dollar question, isn't it?

Yesterday was Canada Day! And the only event for which I have pictures!

They played street hockey, while the announcer kept referring to the pavement as "ice" and the ball as a "puck":

Even puppies were Canadian (the man had a pipe and umbrella like a stereotypical Englishman, but I couldn't get a good shot and was too shy to ask):

ALV, before we started whining about the heat and heading home:

And what even I, who dislikes children in general, thought was pretty darn cute:

Today was a little jaunt to Harrod's, which was surprisingly not nearly as crowded as when Jon and I went 2 years ago, despite it being sale time. The sale rather ruined it actually, since the big red cardboard signs removed the luxurious mystery of Harrod's. I swear, it's like a theme park, but the rich people are the only ones that can really enjoy themselves. I'd have pictures but someone else was yelled at for taking pictures in the fine jewelry section and I was already on the no-no list for having a backpack. At least they didn't kick us out for wearing jeans and looking like little scruffy vagabonds.

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