Friday, December 15, 2006

Boys Are Impossible To Shop For

I was told that I had my settings so that only members could comment. I corrected it so that all you desperate anonymous people out there can comment too.

Update on the neighbor issue - they're definitely not there, but the management company took our complaint. We expect it to be fixed any month now.

My haiku for Haiku Friday, in honor of my shopping trip yesterday:

Christmas shopping hell
So much choice and no money
Father getting socks.

Pushy shop lady,
I know Jon better than you!
Won't wear yellow plaid.

My dad isn't actually getting socks... yet. Anybody have an idea for gifts for a software engineer who doesn't watch much TV or sports, but is pretty much a big geek whose main interest is hiking in rain forests looking for exotic birds? (And remember, the "no money" part IS true.)


Fille de la Cour said...

How about a wrist-mounted GPS unit? or a water-proof iPod case? or a new passport case and journal? Or, if none of these work . . . ties AND socks.

Yee said...

Has a GPS. Doesn't have an iPod. Has a passport thingy. Uses bird lists, not a journal. Doesn't wear ties to work anymore.

See? He's IMPOSSIBLE. My mother and I go through this EVERY year. (For his birthday, mom cooks a nice dinner and I say happy birthday - we only subject ourselves to this torture once a year!)

Anonymous said...

Might I recommend if you have not already looked at it?

Plenty of goodies for even the geekiest of parents.

Anonymous said...

Well...if there really is no money, you could handknit him socks yourself. Maybe with nice bird design on them.

No? Don't like that idea? there a magazine that caters to rainforest-traveling exotic birdwatchers? You could get him a subscription to that.

Otherwise, my best suggestion is to put together a nice photo album or scrapbook of your family travels.

Anonymous said...

mail order meat - you can cook it for his birthday? the Noah's ark needlepoint?

not helpful? the scrapbook idea sounds great. different chapters for different trips, a pictoral list of sightings and the itinerary. that sounds like time-intensive hard work. too bad you aren't an undergrad with that extra week on your hands . . .